Hello! I'm Brenna. I'm a college English teacher, a freelance writer, an aspiring business owner, and an all-things-pretty lover. I'm also a mediocre seamstress, a dance-party enthusiast, and avid reader.
Welcome to my little corner of the internet. Here's a little bit about my family:
I married Jason six years ago when we were poor graduate students. We dated for four years before that, but never lived in the same town until after we were engaged. I'll write more about that someday. Jason teaches high school business and gets emotional when baseball season ends. He's the indoor kid to my outdoor-loving soul and he's basically the most even-keel person you will ever meet.
Gehrig is a stubbornly sweet three-year-old who is both hilarious and frustrating. His red hair makes old women at the grocery store swoon and he can hit a baseball better than I can. You can read some of his hilarity here.
Milo joined the family in April 2013. He already thinks he's three and has had more injuries than his brother ever has. If he's awake, he's eating and his kisses are more like affectionate bites.
Thanks for stopping by!
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