Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Third

I'm not a frequent Facebook poster, aside from my sparse blogposts and pregnancy announcements every couple years, so I forget how lovely people are when I share such happy news. In case you weren't waiting expectantly for my post and missed it, I am due with babe 3 around Christmas. We are of course thrilled to be welcoming a new baby this winter and I am so grateful for everyone's well-wishes. 

This pregnancy was a bit of a challenge for the past 3 months since I felt sicker and much more fatigued than I did with any of my others. Not to mention some heavy, uncontrollable emotions that just kept dragging me down past the point of rationality. But I really don't want to complain because it of course could be so much worse and things are definitely beginning to look up {as in, I'm not spending half the day alternating between the couch and the bathroom and I don't break into tears as much as I did for the entire month of May. Woohoo!}

I'm also ridiculously lucky that Jason is home for the whole summer, so after weathering the storm of baseball season {so long, five straight weekends of tournaments!}, I've had more chances to hide from the kids and nap than I deserve. Also, let's talk for a minute about how happy the boys are to have this guy around. Finally they have someone here who will wrestle with them, build them a fence for hitting home runs in the backyard, and buy them donuts at the grocery store. What a lucky group we are.

He's also been telling me for weeks to sit down and write a blog post because he knows that writing is one of my happy places. I'm really going to try taking his advice more often. He's a smart man and the fun parent and I can't wait to see him with another babe in arms.


  1. Brenna! I'm so excited for you! I feel you on the rough pregnancy 3, but glad things are looking up! Yay for husbands who tell their wives to just go blog!

    1. Thanks, Kate! I actually found a lot of comfort from your posts about your first trimester - I basically wanted to curl up in bed for three months straight and felt less crazy knowing I maybe wasn't the only one :)
