Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's Early January...what else?

It's my first post of 2013...what would I write besides an ultra-optimistic list of all the things I'm going to accomplish in the coming year? Get ready! Everything that follows is important and life-changing and will impact my life and those around me in only the most positive of ways. {I kid. Most of my to-dos are kind of ridiculous. But I'm a list-maker. I make lists. So read on if you so choose. You've been warned.} 

This is how I rang in the New Year...sick on the couch and in bed by 10:30. Wild!
In no particular order:

1. Read books: It's been an embarrassingly long time since I finished a whole book. Who wants to be in a book club with me? We could Skype or iChat or Google Hangout or whatever the kids are calling it these days. Or you could just recommend a good book I might enjoy.

2. Find a name for kid #2: This is proving more difficult than anticipated. I'm obviously not really worried the child will remain nameless, but I think it's an important item to have on the goal list nevertheless.

3. Run: After No-Name enters our life I fully intend to start running again. Seems like a 5k in the Fall could be a good thing to aim for.

4. Patterns Press: I'm going to make pretty things on my letterpress this year. If you know of someone who needs pretty invitations or other paper-based products, send them my way. 

5. Blog more: I like to write. I like reading blogs. Maybe someone would like to read what I write on this blog.

6. House projects: I'm not going to list them here. Too many. Too boring.

7. Potty train a certain someone: Yeah, I'm a mom. Something regarding the bathroom was bound to weasel its way in. 

8. Craft: I've been sewing and knitting more lately. There's a real possibility I could be a mediocre crafter if I really put my mind to it.

That's all I can muster at this very late hour of 9:30pm. {Should I add "become less lame" to my list?}

Anyway, Happy New Year!


  1. Bren, I will always run with you!

  2. I LOVE your list! (and that comes from a life-long list maker!)
    As for your #1, If Grandmas of your children are allowed in, I would join your Book Club. I'm on page #435 of Thackeray's "Vanity Fair" (Ha! Remember all those big fat classics we bought to share reading TWO YEARS AGO after walking around Barnes & Noble when you were in labor for G?)
    Also, I love reading your blog. You have true talent for turning a phrase. So keep those posts coming in 2013!

  3. Loving your blog. You should definitely blog more in 2013.
